Tuesday, October 28, 2014


Of the many skills an artist needs to master, perhaps the most important is the ability to collaborate.

I've yet to meet an artist who's not passionate about their work.  And I have yet to meet an artist who's unaffected by criticism.  This is not a bad thing.  It's the nature of the work, and it means we care about what we're doing.

Now, if only we were just performing in our bedrooms everything would be fine!  But we're not.  We're out in the world.  And good creative work requires collaboration.  Even artforms that are singular (such as painting and one-man shows) require collaboration (ie the participation of an audience).

I have seen some very talented people (including myself at times) hurt their careers because of their inability to get along.  It's not that they're unlikable.  Quite the opposite - most of them are quite charming.  But they have a hard time separating their creative ego from creative production.

I have found the following very helpful when it comes to collaboration:

  • Be kind.  Take the high road  -  Don't lash out.  No matter how much you're in the right.  Personal attacks are poison to collaboration.  There is a right way and a wrong way to point out a mistake.  You can't focus on creativity when your mind is clouded with anger.
  • Listen - Sometimes it's best to just sit back and listen.  You'll be amazed at what will happen.
  • Let the best idea win - I watched an interview with Steve Jobs. He was asked how Apple managed to attract talented designers.  His response:  "We have a rule.  The best idea always wins.  There are no egos at Apple.  Talented people won't stick around if they're not being utilized."
  • Thank people for their work.  Sounds simple, but it makes a big difference.  Being positive brings out the best in people.
  • Lead by example.  Rather than telling someone to "work harder" or "do better," lead by example and show them how it's done.  Kindness and respect goes a long way towards motivating your team.
  • Remember that they care.  Keep in mind that the person you're working with is probably just as committed to their art as you are to yours.  Give them the same respect that you would give yourself.

Monday, October 13, 2014

Creating Great Characters

One of the most important elements of screenwriting (that's oft overlooked) is the creation of truly compelling characters.  An audience needs someone that they can root for.  An audience needs someone that can grab their attention the moment they walk on the screen.

So what makes a great character?  I believe the definition is surprisingly simple when you boil it down.  A great character is someone who behaves with great character.  Sounds obvious, right?  I remember my grandpa telling me about the old spaghetti westerns:  he said, "people like Clint Eastwood because they get to see justice done."  And it's true.  Look at the characters he plays - they all have a strong sense of justice, morality, and idealism.  They're not ruled by fear and fight with valor to achieve their goals.  Who wouldn't root for such a man?

I think it's also important to give the protagonist a few flaws.  They can't be too perfect or they won't seem real, and a fatal flaw gives a character potential for growth and change.  Take "Simba" in The Lion King.  His biggest flaw is his inability to come to terms with his guilt (ie that he's responsible for his father's death).  It's so strong that he runs away from home and refuses to take his rightful place on the throne.  This provides the story with a beautiful arc when he finally returns and faces down his fears.

Now... it's not too difficult to write a good protagonist, but what about a villain?  Poorly written villains are just cruel for no reason and will annoy you throughout the film.  It's much harder to create a villain with depth and complexity.  For a shining example, look no further than "Darth Vader" of Star Wars - one of the most charismatic villains in cinema history.  Yes, he's evil and wicked, and he's committed countless atrocities against the universe.  But he has many strong qualities as well.  He's disciplined, he's focused, he doesn't tolerate failure - he's also gained mastery of a powerful art.  He has a kind side.  He wants his son back.  He wants to restore order to the galaxy, and most importantly, he's not beyond redemption.  All these things add up to that incredibly moving scene in Return of the Jedi where he tosses the Emperor overboard in an attempt to save his son.

Monday, October 6, 2014

Staying focused

It's been a while since I've updated this blog.  Nearly a year has passed, and I've grown not only as an artist, but as a human as well.  I don't feel you can separate the two - ie. who you are as a person versus your artistic talents.  The two are intertwined, and an adjustment in one will have a profound impact on the other.

Probably the biggest lesson I've learned over the years is staying focused.  I think it's one of the greatest struggles an artist will face.  

For most, talent generally isn't an issue.  If you're crazy enough to pursue an acting career, it's probably because somewhere along the way you felt or experienced a quality of work that gave you the idea that you could play in the big leagues.

So what separates talent from success?  To quote one of my favorite authors, Charles Dickens (from the semi-autobiographical "David Copperfield"):

I have been very fortunate in worldly matters; many men have worked much harder, and not succeeded half so well; but I never could have done what I have done, without the habits of punctuality, order, and diligence, without the determination to concentrate myself on one object at a time, no matter how quickly its successor should come upon its heels, which I then formed.

Order.  Concentration.  Focus.  These are the things that separate the wheat from the chaff.  Unfortunately, we live in a society with tremendous distractions. Facebook.  The Internet.  Shopping.  Alcohol.  Video Games.  TV.  None of these things are inherently evil, but they will not make you a better artist. They will not propel you towards success in your goals.

Focus is knowing what you want.  Focus is knowing what's important in your life, and having the strength and wisdom to realize when something's a distraction.