Friday, June 17, 2016


It's been a while! I do plan on updating this blog more regularly, but I've been so busy as of late! Since my last post quite a bit has happened:

The play I was in won a Critic's Pick Award from the New York Times... which was an amazing experience to say the least. We had full houses every night, and I got a chance to work with an incredibly talented cast. My role wasn't particularly huge, but I learned a lot. Part of that learning was seeing the show unfold from a script in an audition room to a fully-functioning, critically-acclaimed, theatrical production. Getting to see that journey up close changed my perspective on quite a bit.

Among other things, I also got an opportunity to perform in a 1 Act play with The Actors Studio Director's Unit. The Actors Studio... such a rich history. I remember reading about it as a kid. You step on to that stage and suddenly you remember it's the same stage that Paul Newman, Marilyn Monroe, and James Dean put up work on... incredibly humbling. Equally humbling were the legendary actors that were in the room that evening. Oscar winners Ellen Burstyn and Estelle Parsons were moderating that night, and as a young actor, hearing their feedback was such a gift.

It's interesting what an experience like that does to you as an actor... ever since The Actors Studio I feel like I'd discovered a newfound confidence in my work. I'm no longer afraid at auditions. Standing in front of casting can be terrifying at times, but after getting a chance to work in front of a group like that... I just feel like I have nothing left to prove anymore. I feel looser. More relaxed.

In terms of writing, I've written two new plays. I'm very excited about both, and I've also shored up revisions on a screenplay which should soon be in the beginning stages of production. More to come on that soon!
