Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Treat Them Nice

Almost everyone who works in the theater has one thing in common.  Unless you’re Brad Pitt (and Brad, if you’re reading this, that’s not a dig – I’m a huge fan), you’re most likely overworked and underpaid.

Theater is one of those industries where there just isn’t a lot of money to go around.  But in spite of all that, we work longer hours and we do it with a smile on our face.  I’m blown away by the work ethic of those around me.  It’s one thing if I work hard.  After all, it’s my baby, and I should work hard.  But to see someone else working like that in support of my dream?  It’s inspiring.  It makes me want to knock it out of the park.  Because not only does the audience deserve it – my cast and crew deserves it as well.

So why am I saying this?  Because if people are working this hard for practically nothing, the least you can do is treat them with some kindness.  They’re going the extra mile for you.  As a producer, you should go the extra mile for them.  Little things like saying “thank you” (or providing food and water at table reads) go a long way.  We’re not in this for the money.  Sometimes all we want is a little appreciation.

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