Friday, December 23, 2011

Personal Health

Acting and writing is hard work.  Throw a production on top, and it gets even harder.  For the last three months I’ve worked 16 hours days, six days a week.  That’s a burnout schedule.  But I still keep going.  No I’m not superman, but I take care of my body and that’s what gives me the strength to work this hard.

Good health is particularly important for actors.  Acting is a performance-based craft, which means it’s highly dependent on concentration and energy.  I like to compare it to sports. Sports figures don’t play well when they’re sick, and neither do actors.  So here are my tips to stay healthy while producing a show:
  1. Eat right.  Eating right is so simple, and it blows my mind how little people pay attention to it.  Stick to fresh fruits, whole grains, fresh vegetables, and healthy meats like chicken and fish.  Stay away from processed foods, dairy, and sugar.  Particularly sugar.  Refined sugar (and this is a direct quote from a doctor) is the worst thing you can put in your body.  It’ll congest you, sap your energy, and destroy your concentration. It also keeps you up at night.
  2. Exercise regularly.  When I run and work out, my concentration improves.  Concentration is a key component to great acting.
  3. Sleep well.  Good sleep habits improve concentration.  We’re all different.  I need 7-8 hours to feel 100% the next day.
  4. Stay away from booze and other mind altering substances.  Yes I live in New York City, and yes, I like to have a good time, but there is a time and a place for it.  That time and place is not waist deep in 18 hour days producing a show.
  5. Do relaxation exercises.  Every day.  Less stress means more energy.  I like to do mine in the morning.
Nothing I’m saying is revolutionary.  This advice has been around for the last thousand years.  But it takes discipline.  And that discipline comes from your commitment to great work.

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